Da game needs YOU! - by fatribz, Shunt, allman vibe, mrae, yanbu, lilsneakeeee, idwtwwr
Da game needs YOU!
- by fatribz, Shunt, allman vibe, mrae, yanbu, lilsneakeeee, idwtwwr - 4/20/2010 - 5:01:08 am Time: 2hrs 18 mins 52 secs
collaborative drawing open to everybody
v1 - by fatribz - 4/20/2010 5:01:08 am
Time: 2 mins 30 secs
fatribz4/20/2010 5:05:08 am
would anyone like to draw little bits of scenery for da game? there is no 'town' in beer now town :(

billboards.. squirells..garbage heaps, beerpong tables, tires, sidewalks, bushes, flowers, toilets, tin cans, rubber bands, dentures, olive trees, bridges, bitches, fountains, homes, igloos, cactus, stoney creeks, buffalo, homeruns, double dippers, home remedies, baby tees, elf food, treeforts, spliffs, fire, oil slicks, monster droppings, dead mule, free candy.

thanks to all who love the milky way
v2 - by Shunt - 4/20/2010 6:03:16 am
Time: 6 mins 43 secs
v3 - by Shunt - 4/20/2010 8:21:00 am
Time: 5 mins 43 secs
Shunt4/20/2010 8:21:32 am
watch your step, my dog just dropped something
v4 - by allman vibe - 4/20/2010 11:46:17 am
Time: 8 mins 7 secs
allman vibe4/20/2010 11:46:22 am
v5 - by allman vibe - 4/20/2010 11:48:45 am
Time: 1 min 16 secs
v6 - by allman vibe - 4/20/2010 11:54:01 am
Time: 4 mins 12 secs
v7 - by mrae - 4/20/2010 7:03:37 pm
Time: 4 mins 37 secs
v8 - by yanbu - 4/20/2010 7:50:35 pm
Time: 13 mins 9 secs
yanbu4/20/2010 7:50:55 pm
don-don fountain
yanbu4/20/2010 7:53:38 pm
wha happen to the town in beer town?
fatribz4/21/2010 5:24:28 am
Nice Wings win last night, ey folks?

You know, 'Beer Now! Town' was never drawn, but only hinted at in mf's legendary draw. How it looks is up for much debate.

v9 - by lilsneakeeee - 4/24/2010 6:35:54 pm
Time: 5 mins 15 secs
v10 - by idwtwwr - 5/7/2010 9:00:28 am
Time: 14 mins 56 secs
idwtwwr5/7/2010 9:32:14 am
this deserves far more love.

haven't found the guitar yet. the woodcreature just led me to some kind of greenscreen? unfinished next level? what is it?

v11 - by idwtwwr - 5/7/2010 10:55:08 am
Time: 13 mins 15 secs
v12 - by idwtwwr - 5/8/2010 8:18:42 am
Time: 13 mins 11 secs
fatribz5/10/2010 4:43:13 am
WOwo! thanks for your work, idwtwwr. I love these latest additions.
Yeah that woodland creature is gonna be a lot more gnarly in the future to get past. The green screen is yes, an unfinished level.

If you press 'L' you can play a secret level! with a guitar!!

play here for the latest:
v13 - by idwtwwr - 5/12/2010 1:05:00 pm
Time: 12 mins 1 secs
v14 - by idwtwwr - 5/12/2010 1:31:39 pm
Time: 19 mins 26 secs
v15 - by idwtwwr - 5/16/2010 4:07:38 pm
Time: 5 mins 47 secs
v16 - by idwtwwr - 5/16/2010 4:17:26 pm
Time: 8 mins 44 secs