tablet hurts hand - by fatribz
tablet hurts hand
- by fatribz - 6/4/2010 - 2:40:24 pm Time: 16 mins 51 secs
v1- by fatribz - 6/4/2010 2:40:24 pm
Time: 16 mins 51 secs
fatribz6/4/2010 2:41:54 pm
mouse roots no script roots calling
yanbu6/4/2010 10:29:52 pm
news at 7
ethermonkey6/6/2010 7:53:33 am
So delicious. A creamy simplicity couched in immense accuracy and skillz.
How how how I ask my soul once again, does the fribbitmeng do it?
fatribz6/6/2010 1:37:15 pm
i used a script to blend colors, hurt my hand on the tablet. i wish i had a huge monitor i could draw on.