How do you like your new computer? - by fatribz
How do you like your new computer?
- by fatribz - 10/3/2010 - 1:21:04 pm Time: 9 mins 44 secs
v1- by fatribz - 10/3/2010 1:21:04 pm
Time: 9 mins 44 secs
fatribz10/3/2010 1:21:32 pm
Well? Out with it.
fatribz10/3/2010 1:22:33 pm
Come on, just f***ing tell me.
yanbu10/3/2010 1:54:14 pm
allman vibe10/3/2010 7:58:39 pm
Hello Computer.

My name is Jamal.

Are you ready for one dynamite dude?
fatribz10/4/2010 8:17:34 am
What features do you wanna see?
fatribz10/5/2010 8:44:37 am
yanbu, let me buy stock in 10e.
let me do it today.

and gimme the access codes so I can add donation buttons on every drawing that link into a centralized swiss bank account each 10easter can use.
fatribz10/5/2010 8:44:59 am
letuce not outsource 10E any longer