Untitled - by tthunderdan
- by tthunderdan - 10/2/2011 - 2:41:18 pm Time: 24 mins 29 secs
v1 - by tthunderdan - 10/2/2011 2:41:18 pm
Time: 24 mins 19 secs
v2 - by tthunderdan - 10/2/2011 2:41:40 pm
Time: 10 secs
tthunderdan10/2/2011 2:41:47 pm
yanbu10/2/2011 5:26:57 pm
nice one dan! was checking out your youtube vids, cool stuff
Shunt10/3/2011 4:44:51 am
I have watched your last video and couldn't resist to find out where it was filmed. I found and saw it on Google Maps, interesting!
tthunderdan10/3/2011 6:12:27 am
...yes utube fun...Free Candy has like 7 events all in a row, now, hopefully I get home to vid some new chit from dat...hope the po po don't look all that up n give me a driving award for making the 500 make some noize out back...shhhhh...
Shunt10/3/2011 6:24:13 am
The po po doesn't know how Google Maps works
fatribz10/6/2011 4:24:28 pm
fuck 'em