Untitled - by tthunderdan
- by tthunderdan - 11/9/2011 - 5:25:27 pm Time: 1 hr 11 mins 31 secs
v1- by tthunderdan - 11/9/2011 5:25:27 pm
Time: 1 hr 11 mins 31 secs
tthunderdan11/9/2011 5:25:41 pm
fatribz11/9/2011 6:23:36 pm
Good to hear it! Love you too, Dan! Man!
tthunderdan11/10/2011 5:31:05 am
I am scared...
fatribz11/10/2011 6:01:47 pm
Sorry, didn't understand. Thought you were on the road big time... then son's concert.
love you the same, stranger.
tthunderdan11/10/2011 9:16:44 pm
I don't understand either...