have a nice day - by fatribz
have a nice day
- by fatribz - 6/29/2013 - 8:42:48 am Time: 12 mins 11 secs
v1- by fatribz - 6/29/2013 8:42:48 am
Time: 12 mins 11 secs
fatribz6/29/2013 8:44:53 am
nice soccer net garage grass road day
twanging away in the fields and
forests, man made cement lays, just
sheeting the breeze (shooting the
breeze when two sheets to the wind)
fatribz6/29/2013 8:47:08 am
charity event + disc golf, if i drive then she drives back.. there are better and worse fathers than fat ribz! just laid some wood down to patch a hot tub hole in our deck from previous owners. yep- just about useless for the rest of the day! heyooo! <3
love, Richard