Have a creative year people! - by Shunt
Have a creative year people!
- by Shunt - 1/1/2017 - 12:32:35 am Time: 4 mins 26 secs
v1- by Shunt - 1/1/2017 12:32:35 am
Time: 4 mins 26 secs
The Angry Flagman1/1/2017 3:04:58 pm
Happy 2017 to all and good riddance to 2016. I would draw something but Windows 10 messed my computer up. Wont allow me to update Java. May look into reinstalling Linux.
Shunt1/5/2017 2:43:23 am
How does that go? I have my win8 pc here for quite some time already but I still use XP.

I need to switch but I'm afraid loads of fun stuff which I use every day won't work no more