Oh yes!! - by Shunt
Oh yes!!
- by Shunt - 1/22/2020 - 10:03:05 am Time: 5 mins 18 secs
v1 - by Shunt - 1/22/2020 10:03:05 am
Time: 1 min 27 secs
Shunt1/22/2020 10:04:10 am
Just to let you all know: I graduated
from the course I've been following the
last 4 years.

I am a pedagogue/caretaker for children
now :)
v2 - by Shunt - 1/22/2020 10:14:08 am
Time: 3 mins 51 secs
yanbu1/22/2020 4:30:17 pm
congratulations! well done
Shunt1/23/2020 5:35:36 am
Thanks :)
fatribz1/23/2020 8:52:11 pm
congratulations!! very nice. God bless you with patience and the kids with your sonic wonders! maybe teach them how to kick out the jams
Shunt1/24/2020 8:22:02 am
I will do anything to help them develop their creativity! I am going to have a marvellous job! <3
The Angry Flagman1/27/2020 4:03:56 pm