- by stevie of the north - 5/1/2005 - 9:22:11 am 
v1- by stevie of the north - 5/1/2005 9:22:11 am
stevie of the north5/1/2005 9:23:51 am
i wonder where my other drawing went, partially i believe it to be erased due to negativity perhaps? in any event, despite the truthfullness of such a statement, i hope y'alls in g-rap are still drinking copious amounts of alcohol, sitting around, and seething in self pity.
stevie of the north5/1/2005 9:28:25 am
no i didn't mean that. but i still revel in the novelty of such a plane where many can communicate on a basis of utter passivity. i also enjoy seeing drawings of myself with the sole intent of mockery/slander/jealousy. good luck cruel world!
yanbu5/1/2005 11:24:09 am
i deleted nothing of yours
Al5/1/2005 12:04:18 pm
I deleted it all Stevie... it was me!!! Bwahaha!!!
eno5/1/2005 3:00:21 pm
your drawings are getting better, but i'm not jealous. you should start applying yourself somewhere around 25.
elK5/1/2005 3:00:52 pm
maybe "stevie" is, you know...koo-koo(insert swirlie finger movement next to the right ear...)
eno5/1/2005 4:53:38 pm
she's my good freind