Untitled - by SAms0n
- by SAms0n - 5/1/2005 - 1:10:12 pm
v1- by SAms0n - 5/1/2005 1:10:12 pm
S@mS0n5/1/2005 1:11:40 pm
yanbu5/1/2005 1:25:04 pm
not selling! two days ago i received an email from some internet group wanting to buy 10eastern.com. the terms were insane, it's basically an effort on their part to advertise their name here since 10eastern has high visitor traffic, they'd be showing their name to more people.
tthunderdan5/1/2005 1:33:32 pm
...how many looks does the site get a day, just out of curiosity...?...
tthunderdan5/1/2005 2:03:21 pm
that is incredible...I never would'a thought that many...that would be worth quite a bit for someone looking to advertise...you are sitting on a gold mine!!!
tthunderdan5/1/2005 2:05:16 pm
you deleted something?????????
yanbu5/1/2005 2:31:05 pm
it's averaging around 60 million hits a month so somewhere around 2 million daily (sorry, i misspelled a few things a re-wrote it!)
elK5/1/2005 2:56:44 pm
k1dd05/2/2005 6:08:15 am
Gerold Blankface5/2/2005 6:49:42 am
I printed this and brought it to the Big Y grocery store... when i ran it over the self checkout scanner, it came up as 'Dulcolax Stool Softener" medicine. Coincidence? you be the judge.
kix5/2/2005 8:50:05 am
what??? all this is unbelievable!
yanbu5/2/2005 1:13:56 pm
the majority of the traffic is foundphotos related. the links get thrown around a lot, mostly in languages i don't understand