Untitled - by Al
- by Al - 6/1/2005 - 11:22:25 am
v1- by Al - 6/1/2005 11:22:25 am
Al6/1/2005 11:23:04 am
Damn Yanbu always borrowing my Steely Dan artwork!
pompous percival6/1/2005 12:07:55 pm

countdown to ecstacy > aja
yanbu6/1/2005 5:39:11 pm
yeah! aaaaaaaaajjjjjjjaaaaaaaa!!!
tim6/2/2005 8:09:19 am
at the restaraunt I work at there was a Steely Dan cover band called 'Steeling Dan' they were pretty good, then last year the keyboardist got arrested for running a child pornography ring.