Untitled - by lipps
- by lipps - 6/8/2005 - 10:08:42 am
v1- by lipps - 6/8/2005 10:08:42 am
lipps6/8/2005 10:12:31 am
I remember being a kid and seeing this body type alot at the beach. they weren't pregnant. and huge tantrums when it was time to go. I remember staring at women's pubic area's becauses there were tufts of hair coming out of their suits.
sheep6/8/2005 10:19:39 am
OMG you just triggered a flashback of a time when I was young and we went to this pool. This older Italian girl was standing in the pool and I dove in and swam up to her pubic area and there was a jungle sticking out both sides. They were beard-like protuberences
Al6/8/2005 11:00:46 am
Sheep, I envy you. For I have only seen women of the midwest.