Untitled - by sheep
- by sheep - 6/30/2005 - 4:54:44 am
v1- by sheep - 6/30/2005 4:54:44 am
sheep6/30/2005 4:56:22 am
Zoom and slide 2
kix6/30/2005 5:00:21 am
man your crazy
Pink MONKEY6/30/2005 5:18:06 am
It's moving...
tim6/30/2005 11:06:27 am
looks like the platter on some tech12's, dig it
sheep7/1/2005 1:51:59 am
Wow, the little dots do move. I couldn't see that before I changed my monitor today. My old one was getting very blurry and was hard to draw with.