Mardi Gras will never be the same - by gerold blankface
Mardi Gras will never be the same
- by gerold blankface - 8/30/2005 - 9:50:10 pm
v1- by gerold blankface - 8/30/2005 9:50:10 pm
Gerold Blankface8/30/2005 9:50:31 pm
Mardi Gras will never be the same
Gerold Blankface8/30/2005 9:51:03 pm
yeah, I'm back.. let's not make a big deal of it...
Anubix8/30/2005 10:59:47 pm
YOUR BACK!!! yay, this is a momentous day!!
yanbu8/31/2005 1:26:50 am
hey! i was at work - would have exclaimed HURRAY earlier! glad you are back
tim8/31/2005 1:51:52 am
welcome back, great fucking picture too.

looks kinda like caeser, with the hair n all.
Gerold Blankface8/31/2005 2:22:44 am
<feeling the love>
Thanks All
</feeling the love>
yanbu8/31/2005 3:41:28 am
hey! no HTML tags allowed :)
k1Dd08/31/2005 12:42:04 pm
gerold! willkommen zurueck! :) (wb)
Gerold Blankface8/31/2005 7:49:38 pm
danke zur?[ck zu sein ist gut,
kix9/1/2005 12:51:58 am
wow perfect german this time_!
kix9/1/2005 12:52:45 am
glad youre back