Untitled - by tthunderdan
- by tthunderdan - 10/25/2005 - 5:22:10 am
v1- by tthunderdan - 10/25/2005 5:22:10 am
tthunderdan10/25/2005 5:22:20 am
sardoa10/25/2005 10:19:04 am
man that is one grim reaper
Gerold Blankface10/25/2005 10:02:17 pm
hahah.. this kicks ass !
dude (Tthunderdan) you are a true artistic master! You've got the satirical brain and the talent to convey your thoughts.
Forget driving trucks and call the 1-800-CAN-DRAW number!!! you should be doing THIS for a living !!!

tthunderdan10/26/2005 2:52:19 am
...you are so kind...
poopmustache10/26/2005 8:56:31 am