Untitled - by Ray Dillon
- by Ray Dillon - 11/12/2005 - 8:57:44 am
v1- by Ray Dillon - 11/12/2005 8:57:44 am
Ray Dillon11/12/2005 8:59:10 am
Batman! A bit more me than previous ones. Still getting the hang of it, though. At least I can change colors now. That's a big help.

I should really be writing. Later!
moheevi11/12/2005 9:01:36 am
Where are the perky nipples? Obviously this isn't the real batman...aka George Clooney. j/k, good s**t Ray.
moheevi11/12/2005 9:02:58 am
BTW, what's that song playing in the background of your site?
Ray Dillon11/12/2005 9:11:12 am
Ha! Nipples DO make a man. You're right. ;o)

Oh, that song is me dinkin' around on the keyboard. Thanks for noticing!
moheevi11/12/2005 9:16:25 am
Cool...i like, maybe you're in the wrong field ;)? I should post my songs somewhere but I haven't had the chance and I don't know much about myspace (I used to be on mp3.com)
Ray Dillon11/12/2005 9:16:49 am
Ha! Nipples DO make a man. You're right. ;o)

Oh, that song is me dinkin' around on the keyboard. Thanks for noticing!
fatribz11/12/2005 9:35:37 am
excellent resolution vibee
moheevi11/12/2005 10:52:08 am
actually that was pretty easy, now everyone can hear my horrible music :D
poopmustache11/13/2005 3:36:48 am
nice! I like the two light sources.
Ray Dillon11/13/2005 11:51:42 pm
Hey, thanks, guys!

And thank you for the music comments, moheevi. Glad you like it! I plan on doing a bit of music for the individual websites of some of the projects I have coming up. Just for fun.

Whoops. I double-posted, didn't I?