*sniper out for pizza pops* - by omtra, fatribz
*sniper out for pizza pops*
- by omtra, fatribz - 12/5/2008 - 7:59:14 pm Time: 1 hr 55 mins 8 secs
collaborative drawing open to everybody
v1 - by omtra - 12/5/2008 7:59:14 pm
Time: 44 mins 45 secs
v2 - by fatribz - 12/5/2008 9:06:24 pm
Time: 51 mins 7 secs
fatribz12/5/2008 9:07:06 pm
as you can see the laser is in need of a recharge and the sniper is out. this would be a good time to destroy his homestead, i think.
fatribz12/5/2008 9:08:02 pm
this technique is called "try to cover up your copypaste work with globs so no one can tell"
Al12/6/2008 4:43:08 am
Nice one.
v3 - by omtra - 12/7/2008 9:31:40 pm
Time: 19 mins 16 secs
fatribz12/25/2008 7:50:49 am